Enter any MAC address, OUI, or IAB below to lookup the manufacturer, location, and more
Database Type | Number of Different Vendor Entries | |
MA-L | 36,519 | |
MA-S | 6,354 | |
MA-M | 5,696 | |
IAB | 4,575 | |
CID | 192 | |
Totaling | 53,336 Vendor Entries - Which is 278,171,123,449,855 unique MAC addresses! |
The list of MAC address types and ranges we provide details for include:
If you find any issues, have an idea on what to add or improve on, or just have a question, please let us know by going to our contact page. We would love to hear from you! Any feedback is appreciated!
We have a free, simple to use RESTful API available for you to use in your own applications! Our simple to use RESTful API makes it easy to implement into any application you are building.
Here's a bunch more MAC Address related stuff we offer!