MAC Address FAQs

Where is the OUI in a MAC address?

An OUI or Organizationally Unique Identifier is the first half of a MAC address (the first 24 bits out of a 48 bit MAC address) which uniquely identifies a vendor, manufacturer, or other organization who has registered for a block of MAC addresses with IEEE. The size is now referred to as MAC Address Block Large (MA-L) which is the most common size of block registration.

What is OUI-28 or OUI-36?

An OUI-28 or OUI-36 are smaller size blocks of MAC addresses, similar to the above OUI. The sizes are MAC Address Block Medium (MA-M) for OUI-28 and MAC Address Block Small (MA-M) for OUI-36.

What is a MAC address IAB?

An IAB or Organizationally Unique Identifier is the first 24 bits out of an 48 bit MAC address which uniquely identifies a vendor, manufacturer, or other organization.

Where do you get your MAC address information?

The IEEE SA (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Standards Association) Registration Authority maintains a registry where companies and vendors can request their own unique identifiers under standards and issue unique identifiers to those wishing to register them. We organize the data and offer services for you to easily view them.